LIC's Jeevan Lakshya Malayalam (Plan No. 933, UIN No. 512N297V02)
This is an example/illustration of LIC's Jeevan Lakshya In Malayalam for understanding the benefits of the plan. The Condition taken for the illustration is of a customer age 30 having a child age 1 he is taking this plan for a term of 21 years in the year 2022. ADDB Rider is Taken into Account. The maturity value is calculated per the current bonus rate of LIC, and other assumptions are made per the 8% return scenario. Please note that the values are not actual and may change per LIC's declared bonus. If you wish to Know more about the Plan WhatsApp us at 9895194808 or give us a call. For more details see the sales brochure link below For More Marketing Brochures follow the blog. If You want a High-Quality image of the Brochures comment below. If You wish to Work as a LIC agent In Trivandrum apply using any one of the below links